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Hse And Well-Being Policy

“You can’t exaggerate the potential of a facility like this. LADOL will give Nigeria the opportunity to train local participants to acquire the relevant skills. They can take that skill with them to anywhere in the world. And it will be to Nigeria’s benefit.”

– OLADIPO (Ladi) JADESIMI, Executive Chairman


LADOL is committed to creating a sustainable industrial ecosystem that drives economic growth and helps the world attain the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through well-structured approaches.

Consequently, our obligation to well-being and HSE compliance in a manner that aligns with the Occupational health and safety management system (ISO45001:2018), Environmental management system (ISO14001:2015), United Nations Global Compact and other relevant requirements or standards ensures that:

  • • Safe and healthy working conditions for all stakeholders to prevent work-related injury and ill-health are consistently maintained.
  • • In all activities of the organization, the environment is protected, and pollution is prevented.
  • • Sustainable resource use, protection of biodiversity and mitigation of climate change are considered in decision-making at all levels.
  • • Hazards are eliminated, risks are reduced, and workers’ consultation and participation are encouraged.

The Business Management System of LADOL has been developed to promote continual improvement in wellbeing, HSE performance and HSE management system. Whilst the expansion of LADOL as a sustainable industrial community is replicated in our high-value activities which include logistics, repairs, fabrication, project support and facilities management, it will be ensured that our processes are steered with responsible risk management framework, effective proactive monitoring, life cycle outlook and measurable HSE objectives.

Our employees, esteemed clients, contractors, and other stakeholders are hereby requested to support the implementation of this policy to enhance the overall well-being and improve HSE outcomes.